Fence Company Manor


If you like a place where you can walk and explore without the noise pollution of big metropolitan cities, breathe fresh, clean air, where you’ll encounter friendly neighbors everywhere you look, then look no further than Manor, PA. For the folks living here, in the best-kept secret of the United States, we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, come with an exciting prospect for you to consider: time to elevate your home’s curb appeal and aesthetic with a brand-new fence! We’re the perfect fencing contractor for the job, too, backed up with a tremendous track record, which you can verify through our customer testimonials.

What Makes Big Jerry’s Fencing the Best Option?

We at Big Jerry’s Fencing pride ourselves on our high-quality, top-of-the-line, and classy fences, which offer privacy, security, and elegance. We process the formalities fast and easy and get you all set up with a quote for the whole fencing project within 24 hours. But also, we never miss deadlines either. You will get the most affordable pricing range for all our premium fences, which all have excellent longevity to boot. Now, let’s take a look at a couple of our best-sellers that you also might consider buying for your lovely home.

Dublin Is A Masterclass Wood Fence in Versatility

With its utterly breathtaking lattice-top design, the Dublin is the wooden fence style that will get you all the positive attention from your neighbors while also providing the privacy you seek. The spacious and wide gap between the fence’s lattice design and the five feet panels both ensure a lot of breathing room for you and let the breeze flow unimpeded. There is a classical feel to the Dublin style, as is the case with all wooden fences.

Belhaven Is for The Fine Folks Who Love Giving A Good Show

Belhaven is the ornamental aluminum fence from our catalog that oozes style, grace, and panache, and it is for the bold and daring folks of Manor, PA. However, do not let this give the impression that it will leave you wide open for anyone to walk onto your property. You see, the Belhaven has a uniform aesthetic of a smooth rail top, designed to give the maximum showcase to your home, but the rails are also spaced evenly so that intrusion is not possible. It epitomizes the adage, look, but don’t touch.

For more information – Contact our fence installation experts!

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