How to Remove Bird Poop from Wooden Fences?


Proper cleaning and upkeep of fences, especially the wooden fences, is a hassle. But that’s the price to pay, aside from the actual cost of the installation, for the privacy, curb appeal, and safety you receive. With that in mind, we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, are here to help with some insider tips to help you clean your wooden fences, particularly how to remove bird poop if your fence is completely overtaken in bird poop. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in~

How Do You Remove Bird Poop/ Bird Droppings from Wooden Fences?

There are a couple of methods you can try to clean the bird poop from your wooden fence if you’re fully willing to put in the effort. So, for the DIY enthusiasts, here’s what you should do:

Method 1 (Completely Manual)

  • First, you need to take sanitary precautions, which include gloves, eye goggles, face masks, and an apron for good measure. Put them on to avoid the possibility of allergic reactions or triggering any other medical condition through accidental direct contact with bird feces.
  • Now, take a spray bottle in which you make a mixture of bleach with room temperature water (3 parts water with nine parts bleach). Spray this mixture directly over the bird poop, then wait for around eight to ten minutes to let the solidified poop become soft. Once that happens, you’re good to use a sponge doused in a bucket of water to clean the area.
  • If the bird poop residue is still there, use a scrapper to gently remove all traces of the bird poop from your wooden fence. Once you’re sure there’s no more bird poop, you need to give the fence a thorough washing, then apply a proper sanitizing agent (easily available in stores) to take care of the lingering bacteria. You’re done after that.

Method 2 (Use Power Washer)

  • If you own a power washer or a pressurized garden hose, then removing bird poop from your wooden fence is a cinch. Simply turn on the power washer and aim at the fence directly where the bird poop is, and watch the magic unfold.
  • Sometimes, some bird poop is incredibly stubborn, able to withstand the power washer’s force. In that case, no worries; all you gotta do is add some detergent solution (easily found at any general store) to your power washer, then fire away. Voila~ your wooden fence is clean.

Consult Professional Fencing Contractors If You’re Having Trouble

Finally, we can’t emphasize this enough: if you’re having issues removing the bird poop cleaning your wooden fence, please don’t hesitate to contact a trusted, fully licensed, and professional fencing contractor. We, Big Jerry’s Fencing, are always ready to provide our premier services at the most affordable rates, so reach out to us for any fencing assistance.

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