Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 4:00 pm


Harris combines a scallop top design with the open spacing of a picket fence, providing a twist to traditional wood picket fencing. The scallop top design is a beautiful way to showcase the design elements, and landscaping features your property offers.

The one-and-a-half-inch gap between pickets will define your space with an open feel to add protection and security without obstructing your home’s beautiful views. This is a great picket fence-style solution for those wanting to capitalize on the natural look of a wood fence.
The Harris fence features a scallop top design combined with the open spacing of a traditional wood picket fence, offering an aesthetically pleasing solution with a one-and-a-half-inch gap between pickets to define space and provide security without obstructing views, perfect for enhancing the natural beauty of your home.

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Big Jerry’s Fencing stick builds your wood fence with high-quality lumber, onsite, from scratch, every time. Materials include 1×6 pickets, 2×4 rails, 4×4 posts, and 6×6 hinge side gate posts. The 6×6 gate posts provide additional support to help combat common gate problems such as leaning, sagging, and hinge failure.

Big Jerry’s Fencing uses galvanized ring shank nails to construct our wood fences. The galvanized coating helps prevent rust and corrosion, while the ring shank design provides added holding power to help prevent nails from popping out as the wood changes and shrinks over time. Big Jerry’s Fencing guarantees that your wood fence will be built to last.
Whether you need a fence for your front yard to create separation from a busy street or to enclose your backyard space without feeling closed in, the semi-privacy scallop top design of Harris is one of our most popular wood fence options.
Draw Your Fence with Big Jerry's Fencing