When you got a pet as part of your family, then a fence is absolutely a necessity for many reasons. About 40% of Americans, according to a survey, are pet owners, and we can’t say we blame these folks; after all, who can resist the cute little things pining for your attention, right? So, ensuring they remain their cheerful little selves inside your homes is a priority. First and foremost, pet fences help to optimize your pet’s safety by keeping the little critters out of trouble. Whenever you leave pets unattended, they tend to wander off or run loose, which exposes them to different types of dangers, especially out on the streets.
A fence protects them by keeping them within your house’s boundary in the enclosed space, safe from threats. They’ll no longer be exposed to things like getting hit by fast-moving vehicles, injuries from getting into a scuffle with other animals, or even being stolen by strangers. Unsupervised pets are bound to fight with other pets or wild animals – no matter how docile or friendly they may be or seem – which greatly increases the risk of wounds, cuts, or even your pets getting outright killed. You gotta keep in mind that our communities and our homes can serve as a habitat of sorts for undomesticated and even wild animals – depending on where you live.
We offer a wide range of fence styles that are great options for protecting your fur babies.
Puppy Picket Aluminum

Our puppy picket options are a great choice that’s fairly a common choice for pet owners, too. These panels are constructed with the top section featuring standard picket spacing (usually just under 4 inches), while the bottom is a tighter fit with double the number of pickets. The smaller, more compact spacing helps prevent small animals, such as dogs, from escaping through the openings of our puppy picket aluminum fences.
They are suitable for installation on every terrain, even if your home’s on a slope, as they can follow along the angle and slant to form its boundary. Another cool feature of this fence type is that it’s relatively easier to set up, too. Don’t let their initial pricing deter you, it’s an investment that pays for itself because of the low-maintenance and fantastic durability of puppy picket aluminum fences.
Board on Board Wood Privacy

If you’re looking for privacy fencing that not only shields you from wandering eyes but also limits your pet’s attention to within your yard, the board-on-board wood fence is your best option. The board on Board offers an overlapping layer of pickets that will cover the gap spacing between the vertical pickets as the wood shrinks over time. That way, you’ll have a great degree of control, especially in a situation in which you and your neighbor both have dogs and need to keep them separated. Generally, over time, a standard wood privacy fence with vertical pickets will eventually shrink, creating visibility to the neighboring yard through the spacing in between pickets. This spacing encourages your dog to dig or pry in an attempt to get to the other side, but the board on board privacy fence not only conceals this particular visual problem but the design is so elaborate that everything is tightly nailed together, helping prevent the ability to pry or chew in between pickets. Additionally, an unsupervised animal may bark at pedestrians or neighbors on the streets. So, having a privacy fence is also a great way to be courteous to others in your community. Not to mention the wooden fencing is generally cheaper and is pretty darn gorgeous to look at, too.