Does A Wood Fence Increase Home Value?


A good old-fashioned wood fence is a classic representation of nostalgia and the American way. Many folks consider it a staple and a symbol of a simpler time when homes had an artistic simplicity to them with an allure that’s missing nowadays. With that in mind, folks often wonder if having a wood fence will increase its value in the resale market. Well, today, we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, are here to answer this query; yes, it totally does! Now, we’ll show you why you’ve been sleeping on wooden fencing.

So, let’s get to it!

How Wood Fences Increase A Property’s Value?

The magnificence of wood fencing is within the rich, almost irresistible allure of its aesthetic. In addition, the designs that range from old-school visuals to their modern iteration make wood fences highly desirable to many Americans. Finally, the wood fences come with a boatload of benefits that are not only practical but also elevate the curb appeal of a home to the next level and, by extension, bump up the home’s value in the property resale market.

Let’s look at a couple of wood fences from our extensive catalog to see which one’s right for you and will definitely increase your home’s value:

Harris Style Wood Fence Offers Uniqueness With Beautification Accentuation

For those who love a stylish appearance to adorn the front and back of their homes and create a beautiful overall look, the Harris style wood fence is the perfect solution. The Harris’s scallop-top design and spacing between pickets create a captivatingly mesmerizing presence. It is essentially designed to initially grab the attention of on-lookers then direct it toward your home’s landscaping, offering a good look without intruding upon your privacy.

The Harris will never make your home feel like it’s boxed in; in fact, you’ll find that the breathability it offers is one of the best perks, allowing your home to experience the breeze. There really is no downside to the Harris, and its timber is of the highest quality as we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, only use the highest grade material to assemble and construct our fences.

The St. George Style Wood Fence Represents Elegance And Maturity

If you value gorgeous pattern-themed designs that balance exquisiteness and privacy, then the St. George style wood fence is for you. The spindle top design is of a masterful craftsmanship, oozing an aura that commands the attention of onlookers. However, the St. George has a 5 ft layer of tightly packed pickets that block out unwanted attention from your neighbors.

This level of duality makes the St. George style wood fence one of a kind. Another huge factor that makes the St. George stand out from other wood fences is its pickets are centered with the fence posts, thereby exposing the fence posts from all sides, meaning that no matter from where you look, you’ll see the fence’s pristine form from every angle. For context, usually fences have a good side and a bad side, but with St. George, it’s good from both sides.

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