Does a Fence Increase Home Value?


Home owners are always looking for ways to upgrade and increase their home value. Sometimes the
upgrades can be huge, other times it can be something as practical and simple as adding a fence to their
homes. Along with this, there is a concern whether adding a fence to your home is actually beneficial or
in increasing the home value? And how much does it actually contribute to enhance the home value?
We will answer these questions in detail here.

Benefits of adding a fence to your home:

These are the main benefits a potential buyer of a house sees when there’s a fence installed;

Increasing appeal: A fence on your home property adds to the appeal and it is significant to its
perceived value. It improves the aesthetics of the outdoor space.

Security and privacy: Home buyers with children, pets or both prefer to buy a property that has a
fence. It’s safer for their kids and pets to move around and play while a fence is installed. It provides a
peace of mind to the adults at home.

How much does fencing add value to a house monetarily:

There are many factors that impact the value of a house including the material used for fencing. The
value of fencing doesn’t increase the resale value of the house by the same ratio. Instead only a portion
of the amount you have used in fencing is recouped. This ratio is mostly around 50-60 percent of the
total amount you have spent. So for example if you have spent $5K on fencing, it wouldn’t increase the
home value by the same amount but somewhere around $2500 to $3500. It’s a better idea to add a
fence if you are living in the house yourself, so you can enjoy the privacy, aesthetics of it yourself.
Additionally, it will add some value to your house resale value for prospective buyers when you decide
to sale it.

There are other factors such as type of material used in fencing that can influence the sale value of the
house. This also includes the condition and maintenance of the fence; a well maintained fence
definitely adds more value than a damaged or weathered one. The functionality of a fence is a huge
factor; a fence primarily for privacy and security is much better value than one for decorative purposes
only. One must also be informed about the regulations related to fencing before adding a fence. Hiring an experienced fence installation company ensures that your fence is installed according to local area regulations.

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