Mongoose, those clever little critters, always find a way to climb inside your chicken coop and do ham to your livestock. The question is, how the heck do you stop them from this constant nuisance? Worry not, folks! Today, we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, are here to help! We’re gonna do a deep dive to tell you if a fence can keep mongoose away from your chicken, and if so, which one is it. So, without further ado, let’s jump right in.
Is There A Fence That Can Keep Mongoose Away From Your Chickens?
Well, to be honest, folks, mongooses are extremely cunning creatures, and an ordinary fence is not gonna cut it. So, no, there is no pre-fabricated fence that can directly deter mongooses. They can climb through tiny gaps and swipe when you least expect; it is a constant hassle.
However, chin up! All’s not lost, as there are a few ways to keep them away. You still need a fence to keep the large predators away from your chicken, but here’s what else you can do:
Invest In A Chain Link Fence With Additional Upgrades
The first thing you need is proper overt protection for your chickens, and with a custom chain link fence, you’ll get just that. We, Big Jerry’s Fencing, specialize in chain link fencing that offers robust protection against all kinds of threats. The chain link fence comes in three distinct, colorful variants to provide a unique backdrop to your property.
Now, as to what you can specifically do against mongooses, here are a few upgrades for you to consider:
- You can order a meshed wire fence ceiling to go along with the chain link fence; it will work nicely in a chicken run.
- Then, to prevent the mongoose from digging up through the earth, you can dig a trench and bury hardware cloth (welded wire mesh) as deep as 12 inches or even further to prevent burrowing.
- Use the same hardware cloth to cover the doors and windows of the chicken coop.
- Electric poultry fencing with safety checks for your chickens can zap away pesky mongooses.
- Use traps and lures to bait and capture mongoose.
- Buy and train a hunting dog to chase down mongoose.
Consult A Professional Fencing Contractor
Obviously, no one faces the same severity of the same problem. It’s best to contact a fully licensed fencing contractor like Big Jerry’s Fencing and seek their professional opinion and assistance in dealing with annoyances like mongoose.