What is the Best Time of Year to Install a New Fence?


Spring sprung, but is your backyard stuck in a pre-fence purgatory? Don’t let a wobbly fence post put a damper on your summer BBQs! 

We’ll unveil the secrets to fence installation timing, so you can transform your yard from wild west to private paradise without a hitch.

Fall Fencing Frenzy: The Golden Time for Your Backyard Upgrade

As summer’s heat fades and nature prepares for a slumber, fall whispers the secret to a seamless fence installation. Imagine this: crisp air, comfortable working conditions, and minimal risk of rain messing with the all-important concrete footings needed for a sturdy fence. Fall offers the perfect environment for your fence posts to take root, literally!

Winter Wonderland… for Fence Installations? 

While visions of sugarplums might dance in your head when winter rolls around, there’s another sweet treat to consider: a brand new fence! Don’t let the chill dissuade you – winter can actually be a fantastic time to snag a fence installation. 

Here’s the scoop: with fewer folks clamoring for fence projects, companies are often more available and potentially more flexible on pricing. Plus, those pros are equipped to handle the firmer ground with specialized tools, keeping the installation smooth sailing.

Seize the Spring: Bloom Before the Rush

Spring awakens the world, and it awakens the home improvement itch in many of us. It’s the perfect time to dream of backyard barbecues and lazy afternoons on a brand new patio. This season can be a bit of a fickle friend though, throwing rain showers and muddy patches your way. 

The key is to be proactive. Booking early in the season ensures your project gets slotted before contractors’ calendars fill up! 

Summer Sizzle: Sun, Sweat, and Strategic Scheduling

Summer’s here! The days stretch long and the sun beckons you outdoors. It’s no wonder this is a popular time for fence installations. 

The weather usually cooperates with dry days and clear skies, making it ideal for construction. But hold on a hot minute! Summer’s sunshine also means everyone else has the same idea. Fence companies get slammed during this season, so be prepared for potentially longer wait times and even slightly higher prices.


Ultimately, the best time depends on your priorities. Do you crave a speedy turnaround or the best price? Are you flexible with scheduling or hoping to avoid interrupting summer barbeques? Weigh the pros and cons, and choose the season that best suits your needs! 

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