Horizontal Vs Vertical Fences


Fancying the idea of installing a fence but aren’t sure which style and aesthetic you wanna go with? Well, today, we, Big Jerry’s Fencing, are here to help you distinguish the two broad categories into which you can classify fences, i.e., horizontal fences and vertical fences. So, without further ado, let’s get to it~

What Are Vertical Fences?

The long and short of it is that vertical fences are traditional fences where the fence posts are lined perpendicularly to the ground. They’re the type you see typically in almost every household with perfect symmetrical spacing, contemporary designs, and overall long height. The vertical fences require support from additional boards called stringers to uphold the vertical posts.

What Are Horizontal Fences?

In simple terms, the horizontal fences are the modern-day take on fences, and as the name implies, their posts run parallel to the ground. Horizontal fences are gaining popularity with each passing day, and the spacing between fence posts is designed to be greater than vertical fences to prevent the base material from sagging.

Should You Choose Vertical Fences or Horizontal Fences?

Now, we come to the question on your mind. Which is better for you? The traditional vertical fences or the modern horizontal fences? The answer is actually very subjective. It really depends on what your needs are and how much of your budget you have. Usually, horizontal fences are more expensive than vertical ones. Plus, vertical fences can be built over uneven terrain and even slopes, whereas horizontal fences can only be built over plain, even land. 

Then there is the question of whether you’re even allowed to build a vertical or horizontal fence by your local HOA (Homeowners Association). With these factors in mind, it comes down to personal choice and taste, plus the permission you’re granted by the local and federal laws. Also, one thing you should keep in mind is that vertical fence panels come in pre-fabricated panels, while horizontal fences have to be built on-site on your property. 

Ultimately, there are pros and cons of both horizontal fences and vertical fences, and depending on your situation, you can go either way. Having said that, the popular choice these days seems to be tilting toward horizontal fences as they provide a sleeker aesthetic, adding to curb appeal. For a more vintage outlook, you may opt for vertical fences.

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